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School Dress Code

Student Dress Code Policy


The purpose of Zion Academy's Dress Code Policy is to clearly define acceptable student attire. The objective of the policy is to promote an atmosphere for academic success while recognizing significant freedom of student choice and expression. While our goal is to maintain consistency throughout the district, it is important to note that the following policy may be supplemented by specific building rules.

Students who do not follow the Dress Code may be asked to change clothes or remove accessories. If the student does not have appropriate alternative clothing at school, it may be necessary for parents to bring appropriate attire or to accompany students home to change. The school may also provide appropriate clean clothing if necessary and available. Repeated Dress Code infractions may result in additional consequences as noted below in alignment with the district code of student conduct.


  1. Hats, hoods, and sunglasses may not be worn during the school day. Any headwear worn must have a necessary function and be approved in advance by the administration.

  2. The length and style of hair (both facial and head) and jewelry shall be limited if it constitutes a health or safety hazard or if it is harmful to the building or equipment. In both cases, the student may be required to wear some type of protective covering or remove jewelry.

  3. No exposed midriffs will be permitted. Shirts must cover the midriff on all sides.

  4. No exposed cleavage will be permitted.

  5. Straps such as those found on tank tops, muscle shirts, halter tops, tube tops, and/or spaghetti strap tops are not permitted. Tops that expose the back or parts of undergarments, including racerback tops or similar articles, are not permitted.

  6. All clothing must conceal undergarments. Shirts that reveal undergarments, whether due to the transparency, length, or lack of coverage of the shirt, are not permitted. Pants must be worn at the waist and completely cover the buttocks area. Pants may not be worn in such a way as to expose undergarments or skin around the midsection.

  7. The bottom hem or edge of shorts, skirts, and dresses may be no shorter than three (3) inches above the top of the knee when standing.

  8. Any article of clothing with a printed message, word, or phrase may not contain profanity, obscenity, or the promotion of any illegal activity or violence. Likewise, any article of clothing with a picture or graphic may not be obscene or promote any illegal activity or violence. Students wearing any article of clothing that is deemed inappropriate, offensive, or a distraction to the educational environment by a staff member will be required to change.

  9. Skintight and close-fitting clothing is not permitted. Leggings, yoga pants, or similar tight pants worn alone are not permitted. Wearing leggings under shorts, skirts, or dresses is permitted if these items are the proper length.

  10. No pajamas or sleepwear may be worn.

  11. The length and style of accessories will be limited if they constitute a health or safety hazard or if they are harmful to the building or equipment. In both cases, the student may be required to remove the accessory.

  12. Footwear must be worn. Safety considerations may dictate the type of footwear worn in specific classes or school settings.

  13. Clothing containing holes, cuts, tears, and/or rips that expose undergarments or skin is not permitted.




  • First Offense: Student required to change, warning issued, and contact with parents.

  • Second Offense: Student required to change, assigned to detention or community service, phone contact with parents.

  • Subsequent Offenses: Continued violations of the dress code policy will result in further disciplinary action including, but not limited to, suspension from school and or school and daily checks by a CV employee

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